European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

EU Citizenship_public_consultation_flyerAre you a citizen of an EU country? Then you are also a citizen of the European Union!
This gives you a number of key rights, such as the right to move and reside freely in the EU; or the right to vote and stand as a candidate in European and municipal elections in another EU country where you live, under the same conditions as citizens of that country. Your EU citizenship also guarantees that you cannot be discriminated against because of your nationality.
The European Commission is now asking for your views on how these rights can be strengthened. Here is your chance as a European citizen to have your say: tell us what matters to you and how things can be made better. Voice your opinion and help shape how the EU should work to make your daily life easier.

You can fill out the questionnaire online until 7 December 2015 at