European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

EUNET Working GroupsAs part of our internal structure EUNET established working groups to enhance the cooperation between members and external partners as well as to tackle current challenges in politics, policy and non-formal education.

Our working groups are self organised and meet on their own schedule during the year. They focus on a certain task and report back once a year to the General Assembly of EUNET. A working group usually exists for one up to three years, depending on the workload and enthusiasm of its members.

The working groups are open to our members and organisations who applied for membership.

If you want to take part in one or more of the working group(s) and your organisation is a member of EUNET, or applied for membership, please subscribe by using this online form.

The following working groups have been set up or are in the process of development.

Please click on the name of the working group for a detailed description.


New generation in city twinning

Active participation of Youth Exchange among organisations


How to introduce EU institutions

Tool-kit on Xenophobia

Active citizens in the rural areas

Mini-LARP on teaching the history of the European Union to young people