European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

General Assembly 2023

The EUNET General Assembly for the relaunch of the network will be held from October 27th to October 28th 2023 in Paris. Where?Our conference venue is at the Maison de l’Europe in Paris. All lectures and the General Assembly will take place there. Programme / time framework?A few speakers and discussions on Friday afternoon from […]

Spring Meeting 2017

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, the spring meeting in 2017 will focus on how do we tackle the challenges of Euroscepticism and Nationalism in our educational work and what role EUNET should play in these efforts for the next three years. Pictures [envira-gallery id=”3716″] What’s the aim ? […]

Annual Conference and General Assembly 2017

The Annual Conference and General Assembly of EUNET 2017 will take place from Thursday October 19th to Sunday October 22nd 2017 in Budapest (Hungary). Where? Our conference venue is the Novotel Budapest Centrum in Budapest, which will accommodate us in single rooms, and most of the programme will take place there too. A guided city […]

Spring meeting 2016

After developing a new structure for our network in 2012, an open space event in 2013 and the setting up of new working groups in 2015, the spring meeting in 2016 will focus on how do we tackle the challenges of Migration, Euroscepticism and Nationalism in our educational work. What’s the aim ? With our […]

2015 – EUNET Annual conference and General Assembly 2015

The Annual conference and General Assembly of EUNET 2015 will take place from Thursday October 22nd to Sunday October 25th 2015  in Wals-Siezenheim near Salzburg (Austria). Topics? Our annual conference will deal with two important moments in history: the end of the Second World War and the Schuman declaration and their impact on today’s Europe. […]

2015 – Working Groups for Europe

EUNET is organising a working session “Working Groups for Europe″ from February 16th to 18th 2015 at the IBZ Schloss Gimborn (Germany). What are the aims ? a: to discuss current issues with a view to establishing concrete working groups b: to be a catalyst for strengthening activism and ownership (trigger ideas, link participants’ activities […]

2014 – Annual conference and General Assembly

The annual conference and General Assembly of EUNET 2014 will take place from Thursday November 20th to Sunday November 23rd 2014 at Prague (Czech Republic). Topics? This years conference will deal with the changes in citizens participation in the European countries and the European project with a special regard to the fall of the iron […]

2013 – European Challenges 2014-2020

European Challenges 2014 – 2020 The annual conference and General Assembly 2013 of EUNET took place from September 27th to 29th 2013 in Bonn (Germany). This years conference focused on some of the challenges Europe is facing over the next couple of years with regard to politics and education.The aim was to bring the participants […]

2013 – Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation

For the fourth time The House of Europe in Rhodes is organizing the international Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation from October 16th to 20th 2013 in Rhodes. RhodesMRC follows the practice of Model United Nations. MUN is a global trend on the training of students of political sciences and diplomats, for more than 80 years. Students, […]

2010 – 60th anniversary of the Schuman declaration (Scy-Chazelles)

EUROPE CELEBRATES ITS 60-YEAR-EPIC 8 April – 10 May 2010  More than 500 European young people from the 27 member countries of the European Union will attend the meeting of the Fathers of Europe and the Promoters of their countries’ democracy in order to reassemble the scattered elements of the SAGA OF THE EUROPEAN IDEA: […]