The Annual conference and General Assembly of EUNET 2015 will take place from
Thursday October 22nd
to Sunday October 25th 2015 in Wals-Siezenheim near Salzburg (Austria).
Our annual conference will deal with two important moments in history: the end of the Second World War and the Schuman declaration and their impact on today’s Europe. Hopes and dreams have been raised 70 and 65 years ago. Have those hopes become true, and what is still to be done for bringing Europe closer to its citizens?
Key-note speaker will be Thierry Curiale from Orange France.
We will have presentations from Planpolitk, RespektNet and Kommzumir
The board decided to return to the place of the 2007 General Assembly for our annual conference. Our conference venue is the Hotel Königgut which will accommodate 2/3 of the participants in single rooms, and most of the programme will take place there too.
1/3 of the group will be accommodate at Hotel Grünauer Hof, a 10 minutes walk away from the conference venue.
A guided city tour of Salzburg, in English, German and French, will be organised for you.

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How to get there?
The closest airport is Salzburg Airport. There are many flights to Salzburg via Vienna, in case you can’t get a direct flight.
If you have trouble finding a flight to Salzburg for a reasonable price, Munich airport may be an alternative destination for you. There is a cheap and reliable bus line (14€ one way) going directly from Munich airport to Salzburg main train station every second hour. Please keep in mind that it takes nearly three hours for the bus trip.
Note for participants going to Cologne on Sunday 25th: the conference venue is only 7 minutes away by taxi from Salzburg airport. If you skip lunch, you will make it in time for the Germanwings flight at 14:05h to Cologne.
Public transportation from Salzburg airport to the conference venue
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The price for a Taxi from the airport to the hotel is roughly 12€
Your final destination by train is Salzburg Hauptbahnhof (main station).
Public transportation from Salzburg Hauptbahnhof to the conference venue
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The bus runs every 30 minutes.
Programme / time framework?
Less lectures, more interactive parts and new working groups will be in the centre of the programme which will start on the 22nd with a joined buffet dinner at 19h and will end on the 25th after lunch.
The detailed programme (updated 09.10.2015) is available in English and German for download:
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Participation fee?
The participation fee is 100€ per person.
It includes accommodation in single rooms for three nights, meals, interpretation and a guided city tour.
Please note that the participation is limited to a maximum of three persons of one organisation.
Travel cost?
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to a maximum of 250€.
The rules for travel cost reimbursement are available in English, German and French:
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The travel cost form as well as a manual on “how to” could be downloaded here:
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With 70 participants the conference is fully booked. Registration is closed.
There will be 60 places available for our annual gathering and places will be given on a first come first served basis.
This year the registration process will take you more time compared to the previous years. Their was a huge request during our last year General Assembly to get to know each other better right at the beginning of the conference. Therefore we ask you to provide some information on yourself and your organisation during the registration process. This information, together with a picture we will take of you at Salzburg, will be printed and pinned to the wall in the conference room.
We also want to know in which working group you intend to take part to be able to pre-select rooms according to the size of the group.
Many thanks in advance for your understanding that registration will take a couple of minutes.
Please register by using this online form
(If you do not receive a confirmation email for your registration within three days, than please check your spam folder)