European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

Training Course “Digital Creative Methods”

The EUNET Youth Committee is pleased to invite you to its new training course, which will take place in Altenkirchen (Westerwald), Germany from Thursday 20th to Sunday 23rd April 2017. 14 places are available with one representative from each organization. Please, keep in mind the age limit of 35 set by the EUNET Youth Committee. […]

Role Play on the right of asylum: May I enter

The Centre européen Robert Schuman took the lead and developed together with EUNET the role play “May I enter” on the right of asylum. It is a role play featuring a group of refugees trying to escape to another country and deals with the plight of refugees as well as the social and economic arguments […]

Training Course “Teaching Solidarity”

“Teaching Solidarity” Migration, Drama Games and Evaluation The EUNET Youth Committee (YC) has planned for a training course form April 10th to April 14th 2016 at Gläntan konferens- och kursgård in the beautiful county of Gävleborg in Sweden. The training course will meet the needs of young professional educators busy in the field of European Youth […]


EUNET is launching a big contest aimed at exploring the topic of ‘BORDERS’ mixing photos, drawings, comic strips, short clips, music etc. all in digital form. What is your vision of the borders? How do you picture them? Are they imaginary or real? Fan your creative flames and send us your project before March 31st, […]

2015 – Training Course Live Action Role Play

The EUNET Youth Committee (YC) has planned for a training weekend from April 9th to 12th 2015 at the Europahaus Marienberg meeting the needs of young professional educators busy in the field of European Youth Education. The YC will organize this training, which will provide new insights into recent educational developments. Training seminar topics will […]

Začíname rozhodovať o Európe

„Wir beginnen über Europa zu entscheiden“ Vorhaben: Die Teilnehmer (Erstwähler) die außerhalb der Regionalzentren leben über folgendes zu informieren: den Weg zur Demokratie (25 Jahre des „Novembers 1989“) und der Notwendigkeit des täglichen Kampfes um Demokratie wie können die Entscheidungen europäischer Organe durch Bürger einzelner Länder auch mittels Wahlen in das Europäische Parlament beeinflusst werden […]

First Time Voters

A EUNET blog-project for and with First Time Voters for the European elections 2014. The idea is to set up a blog to gather as many different voices as possible from young people who will be eligible to vote in the European election 2014 for the first time. Many members of EUNET will do projects […]

EUNET Integration Network

EUNET Integration Network is a network of education centres and organizations in Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, Malta and Portugal complemented by national partner organizations in all five countries. Preparatory actions promoting the integration in the EU member states of people who are not citizens of Europe, through specific projects (language courses, information on distinctive, cultural, […]

Linkin’ Europe 2.0 – Old Europe, modern world

 A project in the framework of EUNET in cooperation with Europazentrum Graz , IUC Europe in Copenhagen, Maison de l’Europe de l’Haute Bretagne in Rennes and Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen gGmbH. Update: Project starts in May! Follow our debates on Facebook “Linkin’ Europe” right at the end of May! Within the context of the project „Linkin’ […]

Europe – what’s in it for me?

The Youth Committee of EUNET successfully applied for funding within the Youth in Action programme for an international training course “Europe – what’s in it for me? And how to tell other people?” for young people. The training course took place in Nicosia (Cyprus) from June 19th to 26th 2011 The Course addressed current and future […]