The EUNET General Assembly for the relaunch of the network will be held from October 27th to October 28th 2023 in Paris.
Our conference venue is at the Maison de l’Europe in Paris. All lectures and the General Assembly will take place there.
Programme / time framework?
A few speakers and discussions on Friday afternoon from 14h on, followed by a joined dinner in the evening. The formal General Assembly will take place on Saturday morning and will end at 13h before lunch.
There will be interpretation for English, French and German.
The General Assembly will include elections for a new board of EUNET.
The final programme (updated 03.10.2023) is available in English, French and German for download:
EN programme Annual Conference 2023
DE Programm Jahreskonferenz 2023
FR programme Conférence annuelle 2023
Participation fee?
There is no participation fee.
Travel cost?
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to a maximum of 250€.
Costs for a hotel will be reimbursed up to a maximum of 200€.
Please make your own hotel reservation! EUNET will not provide any accommodation.
The rules for travel cost reimbursement are available in English, German and French:
EN rules for travel cost reimbursement GA Paris 2023
DE Richtlinien zur Reisekostenerstattung MV Paris 2023
FR Règlement frais de voyage AG Paris 2023
The travel cost form as well as a manual on “how to” could be downloaded here:
Travel cost form
How to use the travel cost form
There will be 30 places available for our annual gathering and places will be given on a first come first served basis. Nevertheless priority will be given to EUNET members, applying members and befriended organisations.
Registration is limited to one person per organisation.
Please register by using this online form