European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

NGO partnershipDo you often have trouble finding the right project partner or wonder about the fastest and most efficient way to do this? Are you a public sector entity or a private company who wants to carry out a project in cooperation with NGOs, but just does not have the right information about all the possibilities that are out there?  Do you have the right project idea to apply for a call for proposals and a clear picture of what your project partner should be like, but are unfamiliar with the sector in the countries in which you are looking for partners?

These are the reasons why our colleagues from ENNA have created the web database of non-governmental organisations ( NGOpartnership ) from all over Europe who are interested in international project partnerships. NGOs can create their own profiles with their contact information, references and areas of interest and thereby inform a wide circle of potential partners about their activity. Interested project partners can then easily and quickly find the NGO which suits their needs and requirements.

The use of the portal is free. Register your profile and/or search for your partner in the database!