European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

Be part of it! Come to the HistoryCampus Berlin
Register for participation in the HistoryCampus now until 17 February 2014! / 100 Years World War One

bpbFrom 7 to 11 May 2014, up to 500 young interested people from all over Europe will meet at the HistoryCampus at the Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin Mitte. The HistoryCampus is the central core of the history festival Europe 14I14 which will take place in Berlin in May 2014.
Are you between 18 and 25 years of age? Are you interested in history and politics? Are you keen to find answers together with other young Europeans to the question what the First World War means to you personally and to your generation? Register until 17 February 2014 for participation in the event!

The HistoryCampus provides a space to discover how 1914 and the First World War relate to you and your life here and now. At the on-site workshops you will discuss and do research, shoot films and edit sounds, act out roles and perform, write scripts and narrate your story and so much more. The workshops will be accompanied by a diverse spectrum of activities that offer you an unusual approach to historical as well as contemporary issues. The activities include a broad cultural programme with performances, concerts, exhibitions, theatre and readings, thematic explorations of the city and much more. Alongside, you can enjoy a great campus atmosphere and the opportunity to meet many interesting young people from all over Europe!

After your successful application, you will be invited by the organisers to join the HistoryCampus in May. You will travel to Berlin for free, will be accommodated at a central hostel and will be part of the campus activities for three days.

Please find further information on the application, participation and the workshop programme at

During your online registration, please use the registration code bpb.

Interested Berlin visitors are invited to “look back and think forward“ together with the organisers and with you as a HistoryCampus participant. The history festival Europe 14I14 will take place in Berlin in May on occasion of the centenary of the beginning of the First World War in 2014. Current information about the programme is available at, which is continuously updated.
The Federal Agency for Civic Education is organising the festival together with the Koerber-Foundation and the Robert Bosch Stiftung, in cooperation with the Maxim Gorki Theatre Berlin and various partners and supporters.

Information at a glance:

HistoryCampus Berlin
Date: 7 May to 11 May 2014
Venue: Maxim Gorki Theatre, Am Festungsgraben 2, 10117 Berlin

For further information please contact:

Federal Agency for Civic Education
Nina Schillings
phone    +49 (0) 228 99515-265
fax         +49 (0) 228 99515-309