European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

logo_sonnenbergSonnenberg Kreis e.V. is looking for partner organisations to complete the partner constellation for the International youth meeting ‘Sound it out!’ to be held at International House Sonnenberg (Germany) in August 2014.
The youth meeting is to be implemented within the Erasmus+ Program.

Project idea
50 girls from 6 countries meet in the Harz Mountains to talk and discuss about gender equality, female roles and chlichés in the participating countries and Europe. Starting point will be music and the examination of females in popular culture and music (as musicians, producers, promoters and subjects of lyrics..).

The project addresses girls with and without disabilities between 16 and 21.

We are looking for 8 participants + 1 group leader from each partner country. We already found organisations from Croatia, Germany, Turkey and Great Britain.

Please read the project description below for further details on the programme, the financial conditions and how to join the project.

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If you are generally interested in joining us as a partner, please contact us for further information until February 21, 2014.
Nora Ludl
Tel./Fon: +49 (0) 5582/ 944 – 115
Fax: +49 (0) 5582/ 944 – 100