European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

To give civil society the same possibilities of action within the European Union as those enjoyed by companies.

Since 2004, private companies have been able to adopt the European Company Statute, which was born out of EU law. A European Company (SE) is a company that is authorised to operate in each country of the European Union in a legal form that is accepted by all states.

The establishment of a European civil public space urgently requires the possibility of setting up European Non-Governmental Organisations (ENGOs). Too many legal obstacles still prevent the constitution of a European organised civil society. European associative networks operating in several Member States or throughout the European Union need a European statute that allows them to carry out their activities in a legal form accepted by all States.

If you agree with this proposal, make your opinion known to the Conference on the Future of Europe and support the European Statute for Associations by commenting here: