European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

Education for Democracy in Schools:
Applying the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture:

Online Conference of Senior Officials and Experts
organised in the framework of the German Presidency of the Committee of Ministers
15-16 April 2021

Opening conference Democracy in schools: from theory to practice

Richard Stock, Chairman of EUNET – European Network for Education and Training
Rolf Gollob, Professor at the Zürich University of Teacher Education & Council of Europe EPAN expert for Switzerland
Moderator: Martyn Barrett, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, University of Surrey, U.K. & EPAN Lead Expert

Abstract: What school can do for democracy: values, knowledge and best practices

Implementation of the “competences for a culture of democracy” framework

Cycle of in-service training courses for teachers in the Greater Region of the Robert Schuman European Centre (CERS) and EUNET – European Network for Education and Training in Metz – Scy-Chazelles (France). A cross – border program the Greater Region (Saar-Lor-Lux – Wallonia – Rhineland-Palatinate): 2 languages (German & French), 4 countries (Germany, Belgium, France & Luxembourg) and 6 education systems.

  1. Overcome the reluctance on questions of democracy
  2. The relationship between democracy and duties of the citizen is crucial
  3. Why implementing the FRAMEWORK competences for a culture of democracy?
  4. That’s why they have to be able to…
  5. The general objectives of the implementation of the framework competences for a culture of democracy’
  6. The specific objectives of teachers’ training
  7. Pilot trainings:
    1. 1.- Pro & Contra
    2. 2.- Contradictions & Dilemmas
    3. 3.- Diversity & Pluralism
    4. 4.- Minorities & majorities
    5. 5.- The school: A place of education for a democratic culture
  8. Simulations & role plays: Nature & Power
  9. Don’t forget to develop intercultural skills for an inclusive society