European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

Europe for CitizensThe European Commission (DG HOME) is currently preparing the mid-term evaluation of the Europe for Citizens programme 2014-2020 and has contracted Deloitte to conduct an external study for this purpose.

In this context, a public consultation in all official EU languages was launched.
The aim of this consultation is to collect views and opinions on the results and impacts of activities and projects co-financed by the Europe for Citizens programme between 2014 and 2016 and to assess their relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and EU added value.
Contributions are sought from individuals, programme stakeholders, public authorities, civil society, beneficiaries and non-successful applicants.

Deadline is April 10th 2017

European Commission public consultation on the Europe for Citizens programme (all EU languages)

In addition to this public consultation run by the Commission, Deloitte is conducting, as part of the  mid-term evaluation, a web-based survey focusing on three different stakeholder groups:

  • action grant beneficiaries,
  • operating grant beneficiaries
  • and non-successful applicants,

asking about first-hand experience with the programme.

Deadline is February 10th 2017

Deloitte survey on the Europe for Citizens programme (English only)

We would highly appreciate if you could take the time to respond to the public consultation and to the web-based survey.