European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

Europe DirectThe network of some 500 walk-in offices known as Europe Direct Information Centres  is one of the main tools of the European Commission to engage with citizens on EU-related topics at local and regional level. 12 Million Euro were spend on grants for these information centres in 2015.

The European Commission now wants to know in a public consultation if it is worth the effort and money. The consultation is part of the mid-term evaluation of the Europe Direct Information Centres and will have a direct impact on their future role and funding.

A significant number of our members are also acting as a Europe Direct Information Centre. Therefore we strongly encourage you to take part in the public consultation and express your opinion.

The consultation is open until May 4th 2016 and available in English, German and French. The remaining EU languages will be added on 19.02.2016.

Take part! Public consultation on Europe Direct Information Centres