EU action and Member States’ cooperation in the field of education and training is framed in a work programme – the Education and Training 2020 Strategic Framework (ET2020), which contains four strategic objectives and seven benchmarks.
Following a mid-term evaluation, the Draft 2015 Joint Report of the ET2020 proposes new work priorities up to 2020. Highlighting the need to pursue a comprehensive lifelong learning approach, from early childhood education to adult education, the report rightly stresses the role played by education to contribute to employment and growth objectives as well as to building a fairer and more cohesive and democratic society.
EUNET also welcomes the emphasis being placed on good governance and the need to reinforce partnerships with social partners and civil society. It thus supports its formal adoption by the Education Council in November.
Read the EUCIS-LLL press release on the Draft 2015 Joint Report.
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