European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

World Forum of Democracy 2014The third World Forum for DemocracyFrom participation to influence: can youth revitalise democracy?” will be held in Strasbourg (France) from 3-5 November 2014.

The Strasbourg World Forum for Democracy is an annual gathering of leaders, opinion-makers, civil society activists, representatives of business, academia, media and professional groups to debate key challenges for democracies worldwide. The insights gathered during the World Forum meetings inform the work of the Council of Europe and its numerous partners in the field of democracy and democratic governance.

The SWFD 2014 will engage with young people and with decision-makers and opinion-formers in a reflection on new ways of engaging young people in re-visioning the democratic arenas of today and on how to mobilise the potential of youth as actors of positive change.

Interested organisations worldwide are invited to express their interest in presenting an example/initiative enabling youth participation by answering the questionnaire below and sending it to by 30 April 2014.