European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

International new year’s youth meeting on art`s and development
December 28th 2014 – January 04th 2015

logo_sonnenbergSonnenberg Kreis e.V. is looking for partner organisations for the International youth meeting ‘World Class Stories! to be held at International House Sonnenberg (Germany) in December 2014 / January 2015. The youth meeting is to be implemented within the Erasmus+ Program.

50 young people from 5 countries meet in the Harz Mountains to talk and discuss about the global concept of development, to get creative and to experience an outstanding new year!
There will be a lot of different activities in the seminar, like workshop units, team building and off course nice free time activities. The highlight of the youth meeting however will be – of course beneath the global New Year’s evening – the final show where all the results will be presented: Stage off for your show!

The project addresses young people with and without disabilities between 16 and 21– if you are a bit older or younger and still would like to join, you are most welcome to do so.
We are looking for around 5 groups of participants consisting of up to 9 participants + 1 group leader from each partner country. We hope to attract again partners from all over Europe and beyond for these traditional new year’s project

Detailed project description: [Download not found]

If you are generally interested in joining us as a partner, please contact Timo Steinert for further information until April 06th 2014!

Timo Steinert
Tel./Fon: +49 (0) 5582/ 944 – 104
Fax: +49 (0) 5582/ 944 – 100