European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

logo-FMD_GB_2013The European Youth Foundation is supporting the involvement of youth representatives in the 2013 edition of the World Forum for Democracy (WFD) “Re-wiring democracy: connecting institutions and citizens in the digital age”.

This second edition of the World Forum for Democracy taking place in Strasbourg 27-29 November will focus on re-connecting citizens with institutions and re-inventing democratic participation in the digital age.

The approach used by the Forum will consist of working groups about experimental initiatives and innovative ideas that have the ambition to amplify citizen voices, increase institutions’ transparency, responsiveness, re-focus on common interest and enable more deliberation and citizen influence on decision-making.

40 young participants will be selected by the Youth Department in order to ensure a visible youth dimension during the World Forum for Democracy (WFD).

If you are interested in participating in this unique annual event, have a look at the Call for participants and fill in the Application form.

Deadline: 9 August 2013