European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

Superar BosniaSuperar Bosnia is a multi-ethnic music school for more than 350 children in Srebrenica. It’s linked to our member Europahaus Srebrenica and shares the same building. Superar Srebrenica applied for the Deutsche Engagement Preis, which will award 10.000€ to the winner of an online voting. The money would be used to buy new instruments and to cover travel costs.

We know the people from Superar Srebrenica very well, we are impressed with their work and we want to support them. Therefore please vote online for Superar Srebrenica!

The website for the voting is in  German language only but easy to navigate. Follow the link below, click on “jetzt abstimmen” and enter the requested data. You will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in the confirmation email – otherwise your vote will not count.

Link to the online voting