European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

… or two sides of the same coin?

mypeaceatwarIn 2015 we celebrate 70 years of peace in Europe. We are, however, wondering: Can we speak of peace in Europe in the sight of the conflicts in Ukraine and in the Middle East? And: Are “war and peace” only limited to politics and history?

Against this backdrop, we organize a photo competition on the issue of “War and peace in Europe – (only) a contradiction?” with a view to its historical, political, but also individual or social aspects. Join our contest and let us have your personal answer to our question – a relevant photo!

Send your photo to by October 31st 2015, and show us what war and peace mean to you. Please click here for more information about the requirements, conditions for participation and the context of the contest.

The 20 best photos will be exhibited at our big international cultural event at Römerkastell in Saarbrücken (Germany) on November 20, 2015. We invite already now all those interested to this evening, which includes furthermore music, video installations, a poetry slam etc. You will find the programme of this event in due time on The three best photos will be awarded up to € 300.-