European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

Guidebook to EU Decision-Making in Education and TrainingEuropean integration appears sometimes technocratic, in the hands of distant institutions, which are asked to manage macroeconomic policies which benefits are not always immediately clear to the general public.

The guide is a concrete tool to empower educators and learners over Europe to have their say in their future. EUCIS-LLL strongly believes in civil dialogue and in the importance of civil society in contributing to shape the future of learning in Europe. Advocating for education, training and lifelong learning requires understanding how policy decisions are shaped.
The specificities of our sector explain the need for a specialised guide book on advocating European institutions because the schemes of decision in this area are different from others and because this is an opportunity for civil society to contribute actively to improve European standards.

The 2015 version will be regularly updated for stakeholders to constantly stay in touch with each other.

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