European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

Graphics from EurActive
Graphics from EurActive

Although president-elect Jean-Claude Juncker is still interviewing candidates for Commissioners, EurActiv has seen a draft organigram prepared by his services and dated 2 September, in which every single commissioner is assigned a portfolio.

The document is clearly not a final version and subject to change. But the document speaks for itself and is full of surprises:

  • the internal market portfolio, currently held by Michel Barnier, has disappeared;
  • the Digital Agenda portfolio, currently held by Neelie Kroes, is replaced by a Vice Pesident position for ‘culture and internet’;
  • there is no commissioner for enlargement;
  • a new post of Vice President for ‘Better regulation’ has appeared;
  • a new post for Vice President for Energy Union has appeared (in addition to the commissioner for energy/climate);
  • a Vice President for Growth, Economic and Monetary Union, European Semester & Social dialogue has appeared;

Read a more detailed analysis on EurActive