European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

Mehrwert Europa - Mehrwert Frieden

International project 2013 – 2015 about the role of the European Union as a model of peace on the example of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The website of the project is now online in English, German and in Bosnian language:

Aim of the project:
After the fall of the “Iron Curtain” Europe changed. It leads to resolutions and start-ups from various countries. A lot of this new countries are nowadays members of the European Union and part of the peace projects. Other countries strive to become a membership.

However, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a special case. Three fractious folk groups (Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs) are living quite more next to each other than together. The contract of Dayton was the end of the war and leads to a fragile state-structure, a structure nobody is convinced about it.

Our project has three main aims:

  • Make participants from EU member states clearly that peace in Europe is not self-evident. For all European citizens it have to be a must to secure our fundamental European values of freedom, democracy, human rights, cultural diversity, tolerance and solidarity. We want to “demonstrate” this on the example of Srebrenica, the place of the massacre of 1995.
  • Show participants from Bosnia & Herzegovina, how the European values have influenced/are influencing the life in the EU and present them the EU as a possible model for peace. 
  • The participating organizations should get connected as well as the participants of all nations among themselves to sustainable development and expansion of existing and new structures.

These objects are achieved in several steps:

  • In preparatory seminars in the EU Member States, that are dedicated to the latest developments in Europe and introduce the participants to the situation of the state of Bosnia & Herzegovina.
  • With a European seminar and an international conference with EU citizens and citizens of Bosnia & Herzegovina in Srebrenica.
  • The project and its results will be disseminated e.g. through a documentary of the conference in Srebrenica.

The project receives financial support from the EU program “Europe for Citizens”.