European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

According to the latest Eurobarometer survey results, six out of ten citizens in the EU feel ‘European’ and want to know more about their rights, but less than half (46%) know what these rights are.

The results also show that Europeans see their rights as EU citizens as the most positive result from the EU – almost six in ten people identify the free movement of people, goods and services as the EU’s most positive result.

Despite the crisis, those saying they are optimistic about the EU’s future outnumber those who say they are pessimistic in 19 out of 28 countries, while pessimism about the impact of the crisis on jobs appears to be receding. Almost seven in ten Europeans (67%), with a majority in all Member States, say that the EU’s voice counts in the world.

The First results report outlines Europeans’ perceptions of the current economic situation, their main concerns and trust in political institutions. It also covers their opinions on the crisis, the Europe 2020 strategy and issues related to EU citizenship.

The First results report is available in EN DE FR
National fact sheets

taken from Eurobarometer 79 - the future of the EU
taken from Eurobarometer 79 – the future of the EU