European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V.

© European Union 2013 – European Parliament

The EYCA wants to show the diversity of the events organised throughout Europe in the frame of the Europe Day and the Europe Week. May 9th is not only a celebration or a symbol, it is also the opportunity to debate and question EU policies and orientations, to discover EU cultures, to get informed about opportunities EU can offer…

The EYCA will collect information on public events organised in the frame of the Europe Day / Europe Week 2013 throughout Europe, publish them on its website and relay the information on social media.

If you organise or know events organised in your country/city, we’d be happy to hear about them! We have set up a form to gather information and we’d be thankful if you could take some minutes to fill in this form (in English or in your language) and let us know about the interested events you know of!

You can contact for any information.